Drug & Alcohol

NHS England has a national aim of eliminating hepatitis C as a public health threat ahead of 2030, as part of a wider global World Health Organisation goal.  Hep C U Later exists to support the elimination of hepatitis C, recognising that hepatitis C can be prevented, identified, and cured. It is estimated there are currently 70,000 people in England who are unaware they have a hepatitis C infection.

If the hepatitis C virus is not identified and treated this can lead to liver damage, cancer, and death.   There are a number of risk factors for hepatitis C and people do not always recognise they have the infection due to a lack of symptoms.  The only way to know is to engage people in testing.

Hepatitis C most disproportionally affects people who inject drugs who may also experience barriers to accessing care.  Increasing and improving a person’s access to hepatitis C testing and treatment can also be an opportunity for making every contact count and improving overall health and wellbeing.

Interested in learning how to take a hepatitis C RNA test using a cepheid GeneXpert machine? Then take a look at this video explaining how to test with a GeneXpert machine.

Want to learn more about Assessed as Not Appropriate to Offer as a way of recording a hep C intervention on NDTMS? Then watch this explainer video.

“The hepatitis C elimination work across drug and alcohol services within the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance has been critical to ensuring we meet people’s needs wherever they are, minimising barriers to care and reducing health inequalities.  Utilising our partnerships has been central to this and together we share resources which allow all of our organisations to improve upon what we deliver.  This work can have a positive and lasting impact on people who access drug and alcohol services – their health and their wellbeing.

The Hep C U Later project continues to deliver on its objectives of reducing the barriers that exist in testing and treatment pathways across multiple systems, and continues to tackle stigma through its campaign.”

Danny Hames, Head of Inclusion and Chair of the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance (NHSAPA)

The NHS APA have put together guidelines for the use of non-stigmatising language when speaking & writing about addiction.

Have you read our blogs?

Do you want to learn more about hepatitis C? You can access our CPD accredited training for free!


Hepatitis C TV screens for drug and alcohol services

Download our hepatitis C tv screens for drug and alcohol services

Hepatitis C factsheet

Download our hepatitis C factsheet

Hepatitis C Leaflet

Download our 'Everything you need to know' hepatitis C leaflet

Hepatitis C general info posters

Download our hepatitis C general info posters

Testing card

Download our hepatitis C wallet sized card with a QR linking to the national testing portal

Lanyard Card

Download our hepatitis C lanyard card

Hepatitis C training matrix

Download our hepatitis C training matrix

Hepatitis C stigma toolkit

Download our hepatitis C stigma toolkit

Cepheid SOP

Download our cepheid SOP

Dashboard on a page guide

Download our dashboard on a page guide

Hepatitis roadmap, a resource to assist the successful elimination of hepatitis C

Download our hepatitis roadmap, a resource to assist the successful elimination of hepatitis C

Inclusion’s hepatitis workbook

Download inclusion's hepatitis workbook

Top tips for engaging people in hepatitis C testing

Download our top tips for engaging people in hepatitis C testing

Wessex Clinical Van Case Study

Download this case study on the work the Wessex Clinical Van Team has completed